Starting a Nonprofit in Texas

Starting a Nonprofit in Texasl w/Barry Silverberg We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to fulfill their passion and express themselves personally, professionally and organizationally. Our focus is on helping you to think through and then create an EFFECTIVE nonprofit. Simply put, that is an organization that has a clear sense of what it seeks to achieve, develops and implements plans to achieve that mission, and then strives for continuous improvement.This is a two hour live overview of the issues that ought to be addressed and the processes that are required to establish a Texas Nonprofit Corporation and then to obtain 501(c)(3) charitable designation from the Internal Revenue Service.Topics will include, but not be limited to:• Advantages & Disadvantages of Nonprofit Incorporation• Key questions/ issues requiring attention before starting legal process• Incorporating as a Texas nonprofit• Other Texas related issues and processes• Obtaining your 501 (c) 3 status (i.e., charitable tax exemption status from IRS)• Key questions/ issues requiring attention within the IRS 1023 Application Form• Required Bylaws and policies• First organizational meeting(s)• Advantages & Disadvantages of a fiscal agent – how to find and what does it cost• Using consulting services to help you through this process